How to Register ABC Cargo Complaint ?

September 18, 2019

If your cargo didn’t travel as planned, damages may occur and you will go for filing a complaint. If you are claiming complaints in air cargo, a strict documentary process with legal frameworks should be followed.  A right cargo complaint procedure will lead to authentic settlement of cases mitigating potential dissatisfaction of any partner included.  For this, first, you should make sure that you have a copy of the Air Waybill (AWB), the contract of carriage. The moment you see the damaged cargo, file your complaint to the air carrier as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will lose your claim.

 How to Ensure the Safety of Your Cargo?

There are strict guidelines concerning security standards for air cargo shipments which state that freight should be subjected to careful security checks before loading onto an aircraft. In this new world, ensuring safety and security in air freight seems, by all accounts, to be easier than earlier. However, the components of products carried via air have changed in the recent past with the beginning of e-commerce platforms. Generally, there is a huge increment in the volume of electronic products shipped as air cargo. But, whatever the product is, packing plays a major role in safeguarding your cargo. Use well-constructed packaging materials according to the type of product you are shipping.  

best cargo service in dubaiHow to make a complaint about a courier delivery service?

The UAE has made strong efforts to ensure the consumer’s trust in the market and to create a good relationship between consumers and businesses. You can submit any feedback & complaints to ‘Manaa’, consumer safety service system, formed by Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council. Dubai Customs is focused on giving quality services that address the issues and expectations for its customers. Dubai Customs perceives the right of its customers to complain and invites grievances as an important form of feedback and contribution to improving its services. This law and protection make Courier service in Dubai easy and safe for the customers. ABC Cargo Reviews – Excellent Service, Dedicated Team.